Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns
Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns

Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns

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Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns

Geometry Dash Munchy Caverns by JacobROso is an Insane Level rated 8 stars and 3 user coins. This game has solid design and fun gameplay, and the music synchronization is also good.

Review of @kiriE from

Cube Part

This part looks good; the colors are blended out and balanced; the color combinations are good; the gameplay is fair and square; and the music sync is present. The decor is kind of bland and unoriginal, but that’s not a real issue.

UFO Part

This is probably my favorite part of the level in terms of gameplay! It’s extremely fun to play, and I love how you placed so many gravity portals; it really makes it a lot more interesting to play. Designwise, this is rather more average. The block design and color combinations are very good, but there is a lot of copy and paste, and the block shapes are boring. However, the music sync is very good in this part.

Ship Part

Designwise, especially the block shapes, I at least like that you have blocks inside the foregrounds. I really like that you’ve put flashes in this part though, and it’s the perfect speed for the music, which makes the gameplay more fun as well!

Ball Part

As usual, nice block designs and color combinations;)Block shapes are kind of the same, but not a big issue here. The gameplay is enjoyable and engaging, and the music synchronization is excellent as usual.Not much to say here, really :P

The cube part is fantastic in terms of gameplay and sync.Interesting, fun, just very good. Designwise, this is rather empty, and it feels very copied and pasted with identical block shapes. Find a way to make this section less empty by adding more decorations, making the blocks stand on the ground rather than "floating" in the air, or simply creating a simple custom-bg (similar to Tongii's).

Ship Part

The gameplay is fun and exciting, the synchronization is excellent, the design is nothing out of the ordinary, but it looks nice and clean, and it is very good.I must say I like the robot part more, though, because the gameplay is even better there, even though it was kind of hard to see the orbs.

Several Parts

The wave part has amazing gameplay, which is very fun to play and syncs greatly to the music. The gameplay in the ship part isn’t anything particularly awesome, but it’s fair and square and has no real issues. Designwise, it’s kind of the opposite actually. The wave part’s design is kind of bland, the block design isn’t that good, and the color combinations are rather meh in my opinion. The dual ship, however, is really cool, with fantastic block designs and good air deco; not bad!

The sync is fantastic; the block designs and shapes are awesome; the color combinations are very good; and the gameplay is very fun. Not bad at all:) The dual cube is rather empty, though; either add more blocks, or decorations, or make a simple custom-BG. The UFO part and the cube part are, however, extremely good in terms of gameplay. The sync is awesome; it fits greatly with the music; it’s varied; has a lot of gravity portals in the UFO; and is far from boring in the cube part as well. And the ending of the level is absolutely amazing. Awesome job!