Geometry Dash Splat
Geometry Dash Splat

Geometry Dash Splat

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Geometry Dash Splat

Geometry Dash Splat throws players into a dizzying world of color, sound, and reflex-testing challenges. This epic Harder level, rated 6 stars and 3 user coins, demands every ounce of focus and skill as it rockets through six relentless minutes of gameplay at breakneck speed. Designed by star creators Torch121, Atonix, and Shutter, the layout forces players to contend with intricate sequences of jumps, rapid-fire portals, devilishly placed spikes, and split-second timing. One mistake means disaster. The cube shifts its appearance hypnotically after each portal transition, adding visual chaos to the maelstrom.

Only the most focused, nimble-fingered players will see the end of this wildly challenging tour de force. The sheer spectacle coupled with the demanding gameplay makes Splat a standout experience for veterans of the hit rhythm game.