Word Swipe
Let's find the word bee with Word Swipe! This word search will challenge you to find the most relevant words from all possible options. Focus on the task at hand and let your mind wander to think of every possible phrase.
This word problem will be quite difficult for you. This is the time to expand your vocabulary and test your word knowledge. This game requires you to create words using letters placed in a 10x10 grid. This requires a broad vocabulary and the ability to focus well to identify viable words from a large number of letters. You can quickly swipe across the letters by moving the pointer over them. You can move the pointer over characters that are adjacent to each other or are placed across. You can create words by using these letters to get rid of letters that have been used previously. This will give you points and more space. Once you reach the target number of lines, you can move on to the next level. Don't be afraid to use your assisting bonuses, such as the bomb, which can help you get rid of certain letters as well as the bonus shuffle. Let's now test your understanding of words.
How to play
How To Play Word Swipe