Geometry Dash Freedom08
Geometry Dash Freedom08

Geometry Dash Freedom08

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Geometry Dash Freedom08

Geometry Dash Freedom08 is an Extreme Demon mega-collaboration level rated 10 stars hosted, published, and certified by Pennutoh, Onnikonna, Pawe, Borto, Metalface221, Zanna83, Nemphis, Prism, Enlex, Bianox, AngryBoy, and PokeChatt. Pennutoh's Spicy Layout #8 has been decorated. It was supposed to be verified by Metalface221, then by JakeSJ, who had left Geometry Dash at the time. It boasts practically perfect synchronization and very demanding gameplay. After the level was completed, JakeSJ and knobbelboy promoted it.


Freedom08 is regarded as one of the best-synced levels in the game, and BlackWolfJake's video stating this has had over 150,000 views. Metalface221 was shown to be adorning the remainder of the beginning that Pennutoh did not decorate as well as the initial drop. EndLevel was also shown to be beautifying the second drop.

However, something occurred, and the level was transformed into a decorating mega-collaboration level, with the level being stretched from its initial plan to include the full song. Pennutoh published the second preview of Freedom08 on May 6, 2018. Bianox, Angryboy, Leocreatorx, Juhou, AvaKai, EndLevel, XavierBrownie, Sminx, Pennutoh, MrLorenzo, Altin, and Bandit of the Mountain all have decorative portions. On May 12, 2018, Pawe produced a video highlighting his role in the level. Enlex displayed the finished decorating of his section of the level on July 10, 2018. He mentioned in the video description that it utilized around 38,500 things and that he would no longer participate in Pennutoh's mega-collaborations. On July 25, the level was finished (or at least published to YouTube). Then, on August 13, 2018, knobbelboy published a video showing the level's completed décor.


  • The level has 372,256 items, which were the most ever utilized in an Extreme Demon at the time the level was published.
  • The length of the level is 4m 21s.
  • On May 18, 2019, the level was ranked #15 on the Geometry Dash Demonlist, above Celestial Force (#16) and below ZAPHKIEL (#14).
  • This Demonlist addition pushed TeaM Z into the Extended List and CholeriX onto the Legacy List.
  • It is presently ranked #29 on the Low Refresh Rate Mobile Demonlist, higher than Disentombed (#30) and lower than SPEEDRUN (#28).
  • This level had a total of 25 players, including knobbelboy, who repaired the level's issues.
  • The level was initially titled "Freedom Chair," after Pennutoh's peculiar fondness for chairs.
  • Cadrega City and Cadrega Mode are alternative names for chairs. (In Lombard and Piemontese languages, Cadrega means "chair.")
  • Freedom19, a 1.9 remake hosted by GrenadeOfTacos and validated by ARtu, is available.
  • Half of The Gang (Technical and Gizbro) believe it's/was their favorite Extreme Demon, while the other half (Golden and npesta) think it's one of the worst levels they've ever played.
  • The addition of Requiem on October 7, 2021, pushed Freedom08 onto the Demonlist's Extended List.