Geometry Dash Red World Rebirth
Geometry Dash Red World Rebirth is a 1.8/2.0 Extreme Demon cooperation by Hinds, Findexi, and Viprin, validated and released by Riot, and revived from Red World by saRy and Neptune. The gameplay was created by saRy, the initial design by Neptune, and the current design by Hinds, Findexi, and Viprin. It is famous for its small areas and critical deadlines. It is now ranked #30 on the LRR Mobile Demonlist, above Epsilon (#31) and below Belloq (#29) on the Geometry Dash Demonlist's Legacy List.
The level begins with a challenging ball segment with several tricky timings. Then there's a lengthy ship portion with some really cramped quarters. This is followed by a brief cube section with three triple spike leaps, and then an extremely tough mini UFO sequence with a lot of tricky spots and mashing. Then there's a ship part that begins with a reasonably tight environment with several gravity portals, followed by a pretty tight micro ship with numerous hard-to-see sawblades. Following that, there is a very lengthy, difficult, and tight swing-copter track that focuses on negotiating narrow places and avoiding clusters of sawblades. Then there's a very long ship portion that begins with a relatively tight short ship sequence, and then an incredibly tight and long space full of one space flying, and then another ship part identical to the start of the lengthy ship sequence, but much longer and requiring more memorizing. Following that, there is a lengthy swing-copter passage with several tight gaps. This is followed by a fast-paced ship scenario. The level then states, "Gameplay by SaRy and Neptune," "Design by Hinds Findexi Viprin," and "Verified by Riot." The level then concludes.
- The level may be freely copied.
- The level has a total of 20,245 items.
- The length of the level is 1m 28s.
- TrusTa was the first to complete this level. He conquered it after around 2,300 tries. Sunix subsequently completed the level with about the same number of tries as TrusTa. Another player, Hawkfire7, beat it even faster, with just 1,537 tries.
- This version is either significantly easier or slightly tougher than the original, depending on who you ask. While the ship sections have been heavily enhanced, the swing copter parts have been nerfed.
- Technically, this was not a list-worthy item.
- This level was Demon #12 in EricVanWilderman's 12 Demons of Christmas 2020 series.
- The addition of Bass Cave on January 21, 2020, pushed Red World Rebirth onto the Demonlist's Legacy List.
How to play
- Press [up] [w] [space] [ctrl] [shift] or click to jump and to jump on yellow rings.
- Avoid the spikes.
- In ship mode, hold to fly up and release to fly down.
- Hit a yellow pad to jump high.
- Hit a blue pad to jump higher. (Missing a gravity portal)
- For bonus points, collect the coins.
- Press L to toggle effects. (To reduce lag)
- Press B to toggle background. (Can also reduce lag)
- Cloud does work, but it only records 2 scores.