Geometry Hardcore
Geometry Hardcore

Geometry Hardcore

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Geometry Hardcore

Geometry Hardcore is a fast-paced and unforgiving action platformer that will test even the most skilled players. In the role of a mysterious geometric monster, you'll navigate through treacherous auto-running levels filled with spikes, lasers, sawblades, and other crazy obstacles. Where other games in the genre provide some leeway for mistakes, Geometry Hardcore is truly "hardcore"—one  mistake is all it takes to fail. You'll need focus, perfect timing, and lightning-quick reflexes to survive!

Collect stars for points along the way, and strive to beat your high score or the scores of others. Vibrant neon worlds provide the backdrop for your perilous runs. Drawn inspired by the visuals of Tron Legacy, the minimalist geometric environments pulse with energy.

Can you conquer Geometry Hardcore challenges through practice and determination? Good luck, and enjoy the challenge!