Geometry Dash Tetris Zone
Geometry Dash Tetris Zone

Geometry Dash Tetris Zone

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Geometry Dash Tetris Zone

Geometry Dash Tetris Zone, created by Experience D, is an Insane level with a rating of 8 stars. It is featured in the Mortal Pack and is the first level in the pack. Tetris Zone is highly regarded for its well-crafted design and its Tetris-inspired theme. The level's design is highly praised for its use of Tetris-inspired themes, with blocks that closely resemble the original game's figures. While the level's gameplay has been criticized for its difficulty and complexity, it remains a popular level in the community due to its unique design and challenging gameplay.


Tetris Zone begins with a cube stage that presents several challenges to the player. Next up is a UFO section with a dark background that requires the player to navigate around various structures resembling Tetris blocks. The gameplay then switches to a ship section where the player must fly around a range of unusual structures.

Following the ship section is an extremely challenging cube with a variety of tricky traps. The ball section is based on bugs and poses a significant challenge to the player. After this is another ship section that requires careful maneuvering between platforms.

The gameplay then switches to a UFO section with gravity shifts, followed by another ship section with a choice of paths similar to those found in ToE. The level continues with a short cube section and another UFO section that requires the player to fly past dangerous structures. The majority of the final cube section is comprised of auto-parts, and the level concludes with a UFO stage.